King Carl Gustaf and Crown Princess Victoria attend Foreign Affairs Committee meeting

King Carl Gustaf and Crown Princess Victoria attend Foreign Affairs Committee meeting

On Monday, King Carl-Gustaf and Crown Princess Victoria attended a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee at the Royal Palace.

King Carl-Gustaf chairs the Committee while Crown Princess Victoria is a member. The Foreign Affairs Committee is a consultative body between the Riksdag and the government and it consists of the Speaker and nine other members from the Riksdag as well as nine deputies.

Foto: Henrik Garlöv/Kungl. Hovstaterna

The Foreign Affairs Committee meets at the invitation of the government. In the constitution, it is stated that "the government must continuously keep the Foreign Affairs Committee informed of the foreign policy conditions that may have significance for the kingdom and consult with the committee about these as often as necessary."

Foto: Henrik Garlöv/Kungl. Hovstaterna

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