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Queen Maxima visits a housing project as part of Construction Day

Queen Maxima visits a housing project as part of Construction Day

On Tuesday, Queen Maxima visited a housing project for social housing in Rijnsburg ahead of Construction Day during which the public can take a look behind the construction fences at more than 150 construction sites throughout the Netherlands. 

The project will create 117 social rental homes that will be gasless, very energy efficient, and equipped with solar panels.

Queen Maxima wore a Natan top and trousers with her Natan sandals and her Marina Raphael bag. She also wore her Tom Ford sunglasses and her Dinh Van bracelet.

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Edinburgh attend "Rhino Man" screening

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Edinburgh attend "Rhino Man" screening

King Carl Gustaf and Crown Princess Victoria attend Information Council

King Carl Gustaf and Crown Princess Victoria attend Information Council