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King Felipe and Queen Letizia attend 101st ABC International Journalism Awards

Tonight, King Felipe and Queen Letizia attended a dinner in honor of the winners of the ABC International Journalism Awards for its 101st edition in Madrid.

This year’s winners are the article 'The revolution of the rich' published by Javier Cercas in El País Semanal' on March 8, 2020, for the “Mariano de Cavia” award, José María Carrascal for the “Luca de Tena" Award, and Ricardo Martínez Ortega, for his cartoon published in 'El Mundo' on February 14, 2020, for the “Mingote” Award. After joining Queen Letizia in handing out the awards, King Felipe made a speech.

Queen Letizia wore her LoLa Li white dress with new Magrit metallic pumps and a repeated silver clutch. She paired the outfit with her Coolook earrings and Karen Hallam gold ring.