Christmas Greetings from Haga Palace

Is it really even the Holiday Season if we don’t get a Christmas and New Year Greeting from the Crown Princess Family? This year the greeting comes from Haga Palace as the family is making decorations and singing classic Christmas Songs.

Looking at our analytics we know most of you don’t speak Swedish (Most of the editors of the site included!) so we have you covered! Rebecca, our editor located in Sweden, took the time to translate the whole video and type it up for the rest of us to enjoy!

If you are curious what the family is wearing in this video, be sure to pop over to our Sister site, The Royals and I, for all the details!

Estelle: Mum said grandma, she knows all the tricks in the world, it feels like. (Mamma sa mormor. Hon kan alla trixs i världen känns det som.)

Daniel: It feels like that, huh? (Det känns så, va?)

Victoria: This smells more. It is cinnamon! (Det luktar mera. Det är kanel!)

Estelle talking in the background: I have..(indiscernible). (Jag har..(?).)

Oscar: Dad! (Pappa!)

Victoria: Dad, look! (Pappa titta!)

Daniel: Oh, how pretty. (Åh, vad fint.)

Victoria: Me too. Let's do these too. (Jag också. Vi gör de här också.)

Estelle: Look, now it can be hung! (Titta, den kan hänga nu!)

Victoria: But look, don't we have a hook we can hang it on? (Nämen titta, har vi ingen krok vi kan hänga upp den på?)

Daniel: La-la la-la lalala.

Victoria & Estelle (Singing Midnatt råder)

Estelle: And now it's Oscars turn to sing. (Och nu får Oscar sjunga.)

Oscar (Singing Tre Pepparkaksgubbar)

Victoria: Gingerbreadland... (Pepparkakeland...)

Oscar continues singing

Victoria: And hats on slanting. Good! (Och hattarna på sned. Bra!)

All of them: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (God Jul och Gott Nytt År!)

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